Tag Archives: setsunasa wa yoru no biyaku

Setsunasa wa yoru no biyaku-Chapter 1

Finally, as promised!

I had up to Chapter 6 translated, but, my laptop died on the weekend(I had to hastily buy a new one so I could do my work), and my backup only has the translation up to chapter  4. However, assuming that the hard drive of my laptop is still ok, my friend says he should be able to recover the contents for me once he gets a new computer.

Still busy, which is nothing new…work is normal but Ive been studying like mad because I`m planning on taking the JLPT N1 test next July and I am so not ready for it…and also boys who don`t speak English 😉

せつなさは夜の媚薬-Painfulness is the aphrodisiac of night

Chapter 1

The outlines of the chapel, emerging dimly out of the dusk light, were a dignified and somehow fairytale-like spectacle.

Standing under the shade of the ginko trees lining the side of the building, Seikanji Michitaka, wearing a stand up collar uniform, was at a loss.

Taisho 12(1923), the last days of June.

The air carried the humidity of the rainy season. A high school girl, with glossy black hair in braids, looked down and motionlessly waited for Michitaka’s answer.

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