Category Archives: novel

Setsunasa wa yoru no biyaku-Chapter 1

Finally, as promised!

I had up to Chapter 6 translated, but, my laptop died on the weekend(I had to hastily buy a new one so I could do my work), and my backup only has the translation up to chapter  4. However, assuming that the hard drive of my laptop is still ok, my friend says he should be able to recover the contents for me once he gets a new computer.

Still busy, which is nothing new…work is normal but Ive been studying like mad because I`m planning on taking the JLPT N1 test next July and I am so not ready for it…and also boys who don`t speak English 😉

せつなさは夜の媚薬-Painfulness is the aphrodisiac of night

Chapter 1

The outlines of the chapel, emerging dimly out of the dusk light, were a dignified and somehow fairytale-like spectacle.

Standing under the shade of the ginko trees lining the side of the building, Seikanji Michitaka, wearing a stand up collar uniform, was at a loss.

Taisho 12(1923), the last days of June.

The air carried the humidity of the rainy season. A high school girl, with glossy black hair in braids, looked down and motionlessly waited for Michitaka’s answer.

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Kono Tsumibukaki yoru ni-Chapter 10-Part 2

Just one more part to go, and this novel will be finished!(sort of-I haven’t translated the second short story in the book, but if nothing else I’ll summarise it in another post). I’m still reading the final book in the series, but my family has been visiting so I’m still trying to finish it, and I really want to know what happens next!

So, after this, there’s one more post, which will be around the end of May, but after that it might be some time before I can resume posting with Setsunasa wa yoru no biyaku(Michitaka’s story)…I’ll be finishing up in my current job, moving(still staying in Japan though), starting a new job so things will be pretty hectic for me until probably September…

Chapter 10-Part 2

At first Kunitaka worried about being in the public eye, but, he felt, if they were going to do this, he might as well enjoy it, and just like a child, he enjoyed the day off.

When he finally returned to Tokyo, what judgement awaited was unknown. Forgetting all such concerns, he wanted to etch this time spent with Ryouichirou on his heart. Just by exploring the streets, overflowing with an exotic atmosphere, Kunitaka was happy.

He wished time could stop still.

“Lastly, there’s a place I’d like to go, if you don’t mind?” Ryouichirou had announced, before they searched for an inn.

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Kono Tsumibukaki Yoru Ni-Chapter 10 Part 1

Chapter 10 is the final chapter, and it is quite long, so apologies, I’m going to drag this out and post it in three parts.(also gives me more time to have more of Setsunasa’s translation done before I run out of Kono Tsumibukaki to post hurhur)

I’ve been reading the new novel that came out last month, and typing up the chapter 10 translation from my handwritten translation, so I’ve been jumping back and forth between Kunitaka past and present this month. I’ve just about finished the first half of the novel, so it’s Kazutaka time soon enough.

Chapter 10

“…There’s no reason he’d come, huh”

Just past 7pm was the appointed time.

Somewhere and somehow, pressure had been applied, and a few days after Kunitaka had spoken with Fushimi, Ryouichirou had been released due to insufficient evidence.

Kunitaka had then written a letter, can we meet secretly, and someone had delivered it for him, but there was no sign of him coming  at the arranged time.

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Kono Tsumibukaki Yoru Ni-Chapter Nine

A month late, and I’m very sorry…Life has gotten somewhat crazy lately…boys, JLPT study, need to start looking into job hunting, busy at work, breaking my foot…haha it’s really one thing after the other lately. This chapter had a huge amount of sections that needed editing too, and I’m not 100% sure in many places. I just preordered the new novels coming out later this month, this afternoon’s challenge is getting myself to the conbini and paying for it…not loving this having to use crutches thing ><
Chapter Nine

In a vase on the desk of his room, bellflowers swayed lonelily in the autumn breeze.

Before he knew it, the season had changed.

Like he always did before going to work, Kunitaka looked through the newspaper. When he saw one of the articles it carried, he froze. It was so much of a shock, he felt like his heart might stop.

Socialist movement ringleader, arrested, in a large headline, and a name Kunitaka had heard as pillow talk from Asano.

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Kono Tsumibukaki Yoru ni-Chapter 8

Merry Christmas, happy new year! To be honest, my Christmas was utterly boring and unspecial, it’s a regular work day in Japan -_-

I’m going to Hokkaido for two weeks from tomorrow,so last minute chapter posting! I thought I might not get it up in time, there was a lot that needed to be edited/retranslated in this chapter…

Also relevantly Izumi Katsura posted on twitter yesterday(27th Dec)


“By the way, today is Ryouichirou’s birthday. Happy birthday…From here his hardships continue…..

I wonder what she means…

Chapter Nine

The following day, the pain in his body hadn’t much lessened, and going to work became all the more a depressing prospect.

It did not take long to get from his home in Azabu to the Army Staff Headquarters in Miyakezaka. It was not so far that he would get the car out, when he could commute by tram.

Really, all he wanted to do miss work, and go straight to Ryouichirou’s room, however with his near perfect attendance record, his colleagues would be suspicious if he suddenly took the day off. Ryouichirou didn’t have a phone, and calling other people in the neighbourhood, and having them hear their conversation, again was dangerous.


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Kono Tsumibukaki Yoru ni-Chapter Seven

Slight delay in getting this chapter up, I had to go back and translate a page that I didn’t do when I did the rest of the chapter…couldn’t translate it at work due to its…contents 😉

Chapter is NSFW . It’s Asano’s turn!

Chapter 7

As the quiet seeming shop Asano had designated came into view, Kunitaka’s nervousness intensified. It was the ryotei that had been appointed as their rendezvous, the same as the one where he had visited Asano before.

Surely, there was something wrong with him.

What had been the start of this madness?

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Kono Tsumibukaki Yoru ni-Chapter 6

The morning after…quite a short chapter, I’m afraid. In other news, I’m two chapters in to translating Setsunasa wa Yoru no Biyaku, and ahh, not going to lie, struggling to get into it a bit, still haven’t got past the point of the author waxing lyrical about Claudio’s beauty, though hopefully once I get past that it will get a bit more interesting~ although, it’s not like I’m reading these novels for the fine construction and details of their plot haha

Chapter 6

The pattering sound of the rain came suddenly into his ears. The rain, which had continued to fall throughout the whole night, showed no sign of stopping anytime soon.

His body ached, he’d been sleeping like this for some while.

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Filed under novel, translation

Kono Tsumibukaki Yoru ni-Chapter 5-Part 2

Pretty much the entirety of the second half of this chapter is NSFW. Having said that, I edited it all while at work…The things you can get away with when your coworkers don’t speak English~

Chapter Five-Part 2

Outside, there were signs of rain.

How long could he stay out, after rushing out of the restaurant? The night rain was cold, he felt the raindrops freezing him to the core.

He thought about how to get home from here. It would be good if he could find a taxi to pick him up. Otherwise, he could also go to a house, ask to borrow the phone and call for their driver.


He didn’t want to go home.

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Filed under novel, nsfw, translation

Kono Tsumibukaki Yoru ni-Chapter 5-Part 1

Chapter five! Well, half of chapter 5…This chapter is quite long, so I’ve split it in half. The latter half that has uh…the NSFW stuff…so you’ll have to wait till next month XD Small warning though, the parts talking about the state of the military definitely aren’t the most accurate of translations, I had almost no idea what some of it meant, so I only very loosely translated it. This translation was done over a year ago and if I looked at it now I could do better but, It doesn’t have any real bearing on the story, so I decided not to waste too much time on it.

As for now, I’ve gone with translating Setsunasa wa yoru no biyaku, since its the next one along in the series that hasn’t had any sort of translation (The drama CD of Yogoto Mitsu has been translated), though I admit, Michitaka’s story was always the one that interested me the least…

Five-Part 1

“Seikanji. Have you got a moment?”

“Sure. What is it?”

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Kono Tsumibukaki Yoru ni-Chapter Four


As the time to finish work drew to a close, Kunitaka became restless and distracted, even though he knew shouldn’t.

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